Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Come and meet with us on January 10th!

The Page Turner Book Club will be meeting at Becky's Coffee Corner on January 10th.

We'll be discussing the book; A Stolen Life, written by kidnap victim, Jaycee Dugard. This book is an account of an 18 year nightmare that began in 1991. Just an 11 year old girl, she endured the unimaginable from the kidnapping to the sexual abuse to becoming a mother at 14. A moving and unforgettable story.

Our meeting will run from 6 to 7pm this evening. Sarah Brana will be hosting.

Also, we are delighted to announce that author, Clarence Rincher will be arriving at 7 for book signing of his book; The Red-Headed, Freckle-faced, Barefoot Boy.

Come a little early to take advantage of Becky's services!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December's Book; "HEAVEN IS FOR REAL"

We'll be discussing a book written by Todd Burpo, "Heaven is for Real".

A book describing the true story of a four year old boy who experiences "heaven" while in a state of unconciousness in an emergency room. Skeptics may be enlightened during this read....

We will be meeting on Tuesday, December 13th, at Leota Olney's house; 2000 Highland Drive in Prosser at 6pm. Zita Massie will lead our group in discussion.