Monday, May 14, 2012


On June 12th, the 2nd Tuesday of the month, we'll be meeting at Becky's Coffee Corner to converse about the book; Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert K. Massie. 

[Massie] hasn’t lost his mojo. . . . a consistently nimble and buoyant performances . . . [Massie] has always been a biographer with the instincts of a novelist. He understands plot—fate—as a function of character, and the narrative perspective he establishes and maintains, a vision tightly aligned with that of his subject, convinces a reader he’s not so much looking at Catherine the Great as he is out of her eyes. . . juicy and suspenseful. Kathryn Harrison, The New York Times Book Review
Join us at from 6 to 7:30.  Come a little early to get some tea/coffee or perhaps a pastry from Becky's Coffee Corner. 

Leota Olney will be hosting this meeting.