Please join us on September 8th for our next meeting. We'll be joining together to discuss the nonfiction novel, Things That Matter by Charles Krauthammer. Our gracious host of the evening will be Nona Gall. We'll be meeting at 6pm at Becky's Coffee Corner in Prosser. Our meetings our faithfully held on the 2nd Tuesdays of the month and typically run from 6-7:30pm.

“The best American columnists make their British counterparts look like bumbling amateurs,but none of them writes with more sense,sensibility and sanity than the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer. Things That Matter, selected from a lifetime of writing, bears comparison with the greatest of American prose.” -Daniel Johnson, Standpoint
“Usually thought of as a conserva-tive, this syndicated columnist has won both the left-wing People for the American Way’s First Amendment Award and the right-wing Bradley Foundation’s first $250,000 Bradley Prize. Readers of all political persuasions will find plenty here that’s thought-provoking and worthwhile.” -Pittsburg Tribune-Review
“Krauthammer’s first collection in more than 20 years is a priceless introduction to the columnist’s writing. And for those who have thrilled at the sight of a Krauthammer byline for decades, Things That Matter is a window into the master polemicist’s habits of mind, heart, and technique.” -Matthew Continetti, Commentary
“For three decades, Charles Krauthammer has enriched American political discourse with his sharply-honed analysis, humane values, and questing mind. From personal meditations to learned examinations of history and policy, Things That Matterstands as a record of a transformative period in the American experience, and a remarkable intellect at work.” -Henry A. Kissinger
“Charles Krauthammer is not only the most influential conservative commentator in America, his writing transcends the crush of daily events and can be read, with profit, always.” –David Brooks, New York Times columnist and bestselling author of The Social Animal
“Amid today’s clutter of print and cacophony of broadcast commentary, Charles Krauthammer’s lapidary judgments stand out, and stand the test of time. Literature has been called news that lasts. Krauthammer’s columns take journalism to the level of literature.” –George F. Will, Washington Post columnist

Here is a list of Charles’s published books;
Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes, and Politics by Charles Krauthammer (May 12, 2015)
Democratic Realism: An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World (Irving Kristol Lecture) by Charles Krauthammer (Jan 1, 2004)
Cutting edges: Making sense of the eighties by Charles Krauthammer (1985)
The Age of Obama By Charles Krauthammer
I'm also including a link to a documentary that was put on FOX news a couple of years ago, titled; "A Life That Matters", hosted by Bret Baier. It's a 40 minutes long documentary honoring Charles, and truly gives you a glimpse of his personality, his life, and respectable wisdom. v=w4fQN1Czu_Q You will also find an expansive selection of youtube videos featuring a host of additional interviews with him. You may want to wait until after you've completed the book to appreciate the video library. Or the offered videos may prompt you to read the book! Whatever you'd prefer.
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