Thursday, October 21, 2021

Discussion Questions for Imperial Woman (By Nicole Thomas)


Discussion Questions for Imperial Woman

1.       Discuss the Imperial Woman’s names that evolved/changed through the story.  (Orchid, Yehonala (p, 7), Tzu Hsi) Do you recall if they had any significance?  How did Imperial Woman personally change, if at all? 

2.       In Pearl S. Buck’s foreword, she described the Imperial Woman possessing good and evil that mingled in her while still holding a heroic demeanor.  Would you agree that she “wrestled” with good and evil?  Was there anything else you think she may have wrestled with?

3.       The Imperial color was described as yellow.  Name some other colors that were commonly used as either symbolisms, used often to describe the scenery, and/or used within the names of places.  (pgs. 24, 139, 143, 156, 159, 176, 183, 306-7, 330, 333)

4.       The process of choosing a spouse for people in power varied from entailed to casual selection from another.  (P. 223, 275) How might this have been useful/damaging during the Qing dynasty?

5.       In Chapter 6, there is mentioned of Yehonala acquiring a little dog to ease her loneliness.  Discuss her dogs and pets (p. 88) and what they might have contributed to her throughout her life and what they contributed to you as the reader. 

6.       Early in the story Tzu Hsi had in interest in painting (p. 21), reading literature, studying maps, wood cuts, etc.  Many of her talents grew to impressive levels.  How might these talents have contributed to her accomplishments in other areas?  How might they have failed her in important moments?

7.       Sakota was first to conceive the Emperor’s first child (p. 41) However, Yehonala supposedly conceived the Emperor’s second.  Gossip stirred (Ch. 7) not long after she had her son.  Discuss how might the author came to this conclusion so confidently. 

8.       How might Pearl S. Buck have come across enough details for her to “portray Tzu Hsi as accurately as possible from available resources and my own memories of how the Chinese whom I knew in my childhood felt about her.”?

9.       Jung Lu evolved subtly throughout the story.  At first, he seemed to have possessed less resistance towards Tzu Hsi (giving in to her “nightly call” (p. 37)) but then it appeared that he became the stronger of the two in flesh (and maybe even mind?).  Compare your first impression of Jung Lu (p. 4) and how you came to know him to be during his last days with Tzu Hsi (p. 202. 341). 

10.   In what ways did Jung Lu (p. 202, 293-295, 311, 313, 315) influence Imperial Woman?

11.   Compare and contrast the Manchu and the Chinese (pgs. 21, 47)

12.   Discuss European Imperialism and what role it played over Imperial Woman life span.

13.   In the beginning of the book, Li Lien-ying, originally assigned as her tutor (later became her faithful Eunuch and then lastly her Chief Eunuch), had a premonition and wrote the lines for Yehonala to read; “The Dragon awakes again, The day of the Phoenix has come.”  (p. 23).  How possibly could he have known (or maybe he truly did not) that Yehonala held so much potential?

14.   (p. 24) Yehonala refused to see the Emperor when summoned to his bed chamber without her little dog.  Le Lean Ling described her “mind more stubborn than a stone”.  Recollect other examples of where Yehonala’s temper made an appearance.  (pgs. 6, 162, 185)

15.   It became known that the Emperor was commonly treated with opium by his own eunuchs.  Sakota died from opium poisoning (p. 271).  Concubine Pearl died from swallowing a deathly dose of opium (p. 307).  Opium trade caused a serious social and economic disruption within China.  Discuss the Opium Wars (1 and 2) and how they affected Tzu Hsi’s life and the Qing dynasty.

16.   (p. 46-49, 130, 149) At one point, Yehonala insisted that she was informed of her present “foes”.  Throughout the story, she acquired many enemies.  Talk about these foes she frequently encountered.

17.   (p. 65, 71, 256, 261, 298) Discuss the themes; POWER, LOVE, WISDOM and how they presented themselves in Imperial Woman.

18.   (p. 75) Tzi Hsi understood that “she must first rule herself if she would rule others” (she read this in the Analects) and towards the end of the story, after the enemy had won, it dawns on her that “she would not shape the times but be shaped by them” (p. 328).  Did Tzu Hsi utterly understand and apply these lessons?  When and when not?

19.   Compare the original Dowager Mother to the latter Tzu Hsi, Dowager Mother. 

20.   (p. 63) “For it was this woman’s power that she could be almost what she feigned and planned to be, and so she became nearly what she would be, at any moment and in any place.  She was not deceiving, for she deceived herself as much as the person before whom she appeared.”  Should we give much acknowledgement to Tzu Hsi’s “power”?  Give an example of where she might have abused her use of power (p. 214)

21.   (p. 63) In Chinese culture, Emperors were believed to have descended from dragons.  Do you recall mention of dragons within the Buck’s novel?

22.   (p. 74) While discussing the intruding English with his viceroy, the Emperor agreed; “We cannot indeed allow strangers from other countries the freedom of our streets.”  Compare their governing to our present one (without getting too off-topic!). 

23.   Prince Kung had come home from after collecting taxes and his wife had commented that she wished they had been born poor (p 203, 205).  Would you agree with her feelings about their hierarchy status in comparison to the poor class? 

24.   (p. 77, 240, 241) At one point, Tzu Hsi had a dream about her mother and was overcome with loneliness as she described to the Son of Heaven.  She longed for her mother, yet she did not know why.  Do you suspect otherwise?  Or did the longing for her mother represent longing for something else (past, choice, regret?)? 

25.   (p. 82) Describe what realities Tzu Hsi met while visiting her childhood home and family. 

26.   (p. 193) Tzu Hsi had a unique relationship with her son, the heir.  (p. 235) She believed “she had given up all her womanhood for him, she had made his destiny her own” Do you agree?  From the limited time she had while he was young, to the controlling and contradicting nature she applied during his adolescence, and the authoritarian role she played when choosing his wife, discuss the timeline and certain moments that were more vivid to you than others.  Do you believe Imperial Woman caused her son’s death?

27.   Aside from Jung Lu, talk about Tzu Hsi’s relationship (trusting and distrusting) of other men (eunuchs included).  Discuss the role eunuchs played within the Qing dynasty.  Why did Jung Lu possess a dislike for eunuchs? (p. 279)

28.   There was mention of Buddhism in the latter half of the story.  (p. 149, 160, 197, 199, 218) Why do you suppose religion was not mentioned prior?

29.   Could you find any relation to Tzu Hsi when she arranged a marriage between Jung Lu and Mei?  How did you think she would react when discovering Jung Lu with his concubine (p. 266)?

30.   (p. 217) “As usual, she ignored what she could not solve.”  Has this approach always served her well?

31.   (p. 217) Discuss the philosophical approach of limiting exposure to outside culture and influences that China practiced with other nations. Discuss the pros and cons of a leader applying nationalism while ruling a nation.

32.   (p. 226, 299, 306, 307) Imperial Mother comments to her ladies; “You see how loving kindness conquers fear, even in animals.  Let this lesson be engraved upon your hearts.”  Tzu Hsi waivered much between being kind and ruthless.  What was her true nature?

33.   (p. 236) Buck writes; There is no end to the sorrows that children bring to their parents in palace or in hovel.  To what might this concept be applied in the book?  Do you agree with Buck’s assessment?

34.   (p. 241) Jung Lu responds to Tzu Hsi’s questioning, “I have no true sons”.  What does he mean by this?

35.   (p. 309) Consider Imperial Woman’s quote; “Does any nation give something, anything, for nothing?”

36.   (p. 328) Imperial Woman realizes she must leave the Forbidden City and flee.  In her overwhelming state, she opens her book and her eyes fell upon the words; “For lack of a broad mind and true understanding, a great purpose has been lost.” What does this mean to you and how would this be applied to her circumstance?  

37.   Do you agree that Tzu His eventually experienced a revelation?  (p. 341)

38.   (p. 346) Do you believe Tzu Hsi’s acquired nickname, Old Buddha, was a fitting one?  Do you have another that would have fit her better?





Discussion Questions for When You’re Gone by Brooke Harris (By Nicole Thomas)


Discussion Questions for When You’re Gone by Brooke Harris

1.       What did you like about this book?  What did you not like? Who was your favorite character?

  1. Did you like the dual timelines the author used to tell the story by alternating between Annie in 1959 and Holly in the present day?  If not, how would you have told the story?  
  2. Did you have a special relationship with a grandparent?  What role did Annie play in Holly’s life?  Do you think Holly’s life would have turned out differently if she hadn’t spent those last two days with her grandmother?
  3. Do you consider Annie’s mother, Mary to be selfish?  Do you think she could have done more to protect Annie from her husband?  What do you think gave her the courage to leave when she did?  How have things changed for women and children in the last sixty years?
  4. What did you know about Edward’s Syndrome prior to reading this story?
  5. Do you have any favorite quotes from the book?
  6. Did you catch that Annie named her daughter Blair after Sketch’s mother?  And Holly’s baby was named Arty after Sketch (Arthur). Were there any other interesting twists and details you made notes of?
  7. (p. 260) Compare 1950s medical care in Ireland, that was described in the story, to United States medical care you might receive today. 
  8. Do you think this book could give a woman considering an abortion a different perspective? At one point, Nate says; “We need to make decisions.” (p. 108) (p. 150-1) What sort of decisions do you think he was referring to?  Discuss the dangers of making decisions while enduring emotional turmoil.
  9.  What would you say was the “theme” of the story?  Time? Love?  (p.11) For example, take the quote; You can’t save spend it wisely.”  -Nana
  10. (p.19) Nana says, “True don’t find it, Holly.  It finds you.  And it never lets go.  Ever.”  Discuss this statement.
  11. Ben and Holly found themselves “snooping” in their Grandma’s attic.  (p. 34)   Did you find this inappropriate?  Have you ever sifted through old family stuff and found treasure?
  12.   Nana is often described as having a hard time talking, she sleeps a lot, and must be in an upright position.  Many of the other characters find themselves asking questions that if Nana could easily answer, they would find out easily.  How does this aspect (of open-ended questions) add to the story?  
  13.  (p. 146) Nana’s (Annie’s story) is a unique story to tell, to pass forward.  How do you view your history, your past?  Is it something you’d like to be passed forward and learned from?
  14.  (p. 205) Turning 21, was considered by Annie’s mother as “becoming a man”.  Do you think this was typical of the time?  Typical of Europe?  Why would this be an odd concept in today’s time?
  15.  (p 281) Ben compares Annie and Sketch’s lack of communication to the lack of communication between Holly and Nate.  Do you believe this played as big of a role as what the author was attempting?
  16.  Discuss the similarities and differences between Annie and Holly. (p. 282-3)
  17.  While recognizing the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, would you categorize this as a love story?  
  18. (P. 284-5) Holly often referred to her predicament with Nate as “complicated” however, her Nana’s response was; “It’s only complicated if you let it be.”  Nana continues; “It’s never about how long you love someone, Holly.  It’s about how much.”  Do you agree with Holly’s perspective?  Do you agree with Nana’s?
  19.  ((p. 325) How would you describe Sketch’s friendship with Bridgett?  What do you think became of her?
  20.  (p. 341) Discuss how the author articulates Sketch’s death.    
  21. How does the quote; “When it rains, think of me.” resonate within the story?




by Grady Hendrix

1.       Those of you might recall the author’s note discussing his inspiration for writing this novel.  He explains further that he was compelled to tell the story from a parent’s view; a parent feeling helpless when their child is in danger.  Discuss this theme within the story.  Other than it being about vampires, do you feel the author is accurate when describing what this book is about?

2.       (p.14) Discuss Patricia Campbell.  Was she an ideal protagonist for the story?  What was your first impression?  Was she likeable?  What could the author improve upon, if any, in having to do with her character?  (p. 15) Discuss the significance of the name of the first book club, Literary Guild of Mt. Pleasant.  Compare it to the various changes it later took. (topics include members (p. 18), genre (p. 29), book selection process) 

3.       Discuss the various characters within the story.  Favorites?  Dislikes?  Discuss the contrasts within the members.  Explain why you think this might add or take away from the story.  (Original members include Patricia, Marjorie, Slick, Louise, Cuffy, Kitty, Grace, Sadie, MaryEllen) (p. 40-41) How do you think being different might benefit each other?  What do you suppose drew (or motivated) each individual character to join Kitty’s new book club or a book club in general?

4.       (p. 28) Kitty assembled a new book club to meet at her house.  Grace commented; “This isn’t a book club.” She later defends her statement; “We’re just getting together to talk about a paperback book we all happened to read. It’s not like it’s a real book.”  You might recall Kitty’s response.  However, what is your definition of a book club?

5.       (p.30) Patricia and Carter were portrayed as a typical American suburbia family in the late 80’s.  How might you disagree with the “typical” portrayal of them in the early part of the book?  Could you relate to your own experiences during the 80s?  Talk about this time, the setting, and the characters themselves and how realistic they come across as being during the 80s and 90s.  

6.       (p.35) When did Patricia’s friendship with the other members of the book club become apparent?  Do you recall any examples of genuine friendship prior to the final coming together at the end?  Discuss the definition of camaraderie and what reinforces friendships?  Why do we seek camaraderie, and do we typically find what we are looking for?

7.       (p. 51) Talk about Patricia's encounter with her neighbor Mrs. Savage while taking out the garbage.  Describe your thoughts and impressions.  Discuss your theories on why Patricia didn’t change, after being bitten, and why she didn’t suffer a similar fate as Mrs. Savage.

8.       (p. 61) Grace informed Patricia that Mrs. Savage suffered from “blood poisoning” and she was malnourished, dehydrated, and covered with cuts and sores.  What were you speculating at this point?  Did the author reveal too much too soon?  

9.       (p.63) Patricia states; “A woman had died.  She needed to take something by the house.  Grace was right: it made no sense, but sometimes you did a thing because that was just what you did, not because it was sensible.”  Tell how later this same concept could be applied within the story.  Discuss how this same philosophy may have played a part in your own story (life).  

10.   (p.71) Discuss Patricia’ s and the other book club member’s relationship with their children.  

11.   (p.80) Theorize why James Harris took such an interest in Patricia’s family.  

12.   (p. 80, 84) Why was Patricia so caught up with James?  Did Patricia respond to certain “James Harris” events (giving cash, performing CPR, giving a ride) in a believable manner?

13.   (p. 82) James pleads to Patricia to help him with his house.  He portrays himself as weak (though this was supposedly after he killed Francine – wouldn’t he be stronger?) and needing her help because of his sickness.  Attempt to identify with Patricia.  What would you have done?  Are her choices even more questionable because of her book club’s genre choice?  (ex. Featuring Ted Bundy, Manson…?)

14.   (p. 100) James Harris was invited by Patricia to attend the book club.  The book of the night during his attendance was The Bridges of Madison County.  Think back to the club’s discussion while James was there.  Why do you suppose the author chose this book for this meeting? 

15.   (p. 78-9, 101, 103, 128, 136) How did Miss Mary contribute to the story?  Why do you think her outbursts were important?  (p. 74) At what moment did you consider Mis Mary held truth within her comments?  What was her most important role, or roles, to play in the story? 

16.   (p. 136) At Miss Mary’s funeral, the song Come Thou Disconsolate was played.

17.     CH-1) Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish,
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel.
Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot heal.

18.     CH-2) Joy of the desolate, light of the straying,
Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure!
Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,
“Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot cure.”

19.   What, if any, was the significance of mentioning this song? 

20.   (p. 124, 181-2) Blue possessed an interest in the Third Reich.  Do you think the author used this interest to connect with the storyline?  How did his parents deal with this unique interest?  Would you have been more concerned?  How might you have handled Blue differently? 

21.   (p. 147) Mrs. Greene lived in a different neighborhood called Six Mile. This vicinity was quite different than Mt. Pleasant.  Was the stark contrast between the two areas in town convincing to you especially it taking place in the 1990s in South Carolina? Discuss the believability, the significance in the story, and why this difference in backdrop provided something to the reader. 

22.   (p. 153) Initially Patricia swooned over James Harris and then at some point she was quick to consider him being the culprit of a murder.  Why was she so quick to question?  Why was she so inclined to connect the dots? 

23.   (p. 100) Discuss MaryEllen, the feminist, and what she provided to the story.  Talk about the roles of the men characters within the story.  (p. 80, 204) Do you believe the author held favor to either of the sexes?

24.   (p. 227) Grace later discusses in frustration to Patricia; “Why do you pretend what we do is nothing? Every day, all the chaos and messiness of life happens and every day we clean I all up.  Without us, they would just wallow in filth and disorder and nothing of any consequence would ever get done.  Who taught you to sneer at that? I’ll tell you who.  Someone who took their mother for granted.” What might Grace be reacting to?

25.   (p. 90, 160, 169,) Share your recollections of “dumb” moments within the story.  Perhaps your examples include “what mothers wouldn’t normally do” or “typical horror movie scenes”. 

26.   In Chapter 19, on book club night, the club discusses the book The Stranger Beside Me about Ann Rule and her relationship with Ted Bundy.  Though Slick defends Ann and how hard it must’ve been for her, MaryEllen is critical about how Ann was ignorant and failed to recognize Ted for who he was.  She later states; “That’s not the point at all.  The point is, if the evidence says your best friend Ted talks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and drives the same car as a duck, then he’s probably a duck.” Describe the significance of this part in the story and how it later applies to James Harris and to each of the book club members. 

27.   (p. 215-217, 233) Analyze Patricia and Carter’s relationship and how it developed and then finally ending in divorce.  What was your initial impression of Carter?  Was his reaction and his lack of supportive nature to Patricia realistic?  Do you believe that he was indeed having affairs with other women? 

28.   (p. 228-9, 252) Patricia was humiliated and left on her own after accusing James Harris of her suspicions.  She was left entirely on her own, feeling as though no one believed nor supported her.  She realized Carter had set her up and built a trap for her.  Her daughter says, “Dad said I didn’t have to listen to you.” Why was Carter so malicious towards his wife?  Was he that manipulative?  She frantically took Prozac pills in her despair. Do you think she was trying to kill herself or was trying desperately to get someone’s attention?  (p. 235) Did Carter honestly think punishment was going to “teach” Patricia?

29.   (p. 103) Did you anticipate Miss Mary’s alliance with Patricia as we found in Patricia’s realization of what Miss Mary’s mission was?

30.   (p. 240) The story fast-forwards to three years later.  Rush Limbaugh, favored by Carter, was mentioned.  Patricia is conscious of her weight and is mentioned multiple times.  James Harris is playing a more dominant role within everyone’s lives, clearly involved with each character.  Do you believe the three years was necessary (and believable) for the story to proceed? 

31.   (p. 261) Patricia has a conversation with James Harris on the phone regarding Blue.  The topic of her husband, Carter and him working too much comes up.  Patricia makes note that “she felt disloyal talking about Carter behind his back”.  What!?

32.   Discuss previous familiarities you had of vampires.  Discuss how you might have been enlightened with how the story portrayed James Harris. (p.59 owl bit Miss Mary) (p. 128 rats) (p. 171 – appendage-?) (p. 177 rats, flying?) (p. 232 the owl, rats)

33.   (p. 274, 341) “Three things are never satisfied…” Mrs. Greene had stated, and later Patricia recalled that Miss Mary (p. 119) had also quoted a similar statement some time before; “Nightwalking men always have a hunger on them.  They never stop taking and they don’t know about enough.  They mortgaged their souls away and now they eat and eat and never know how to stop.” Discuss the similarities between the book’s description of vampires and what your preconceived definition of vampires was prior to reading the book. 

34.   (p. 263, 271) Miss Mary made an appearance to both Patricia and Mrs. Greene.  Share why might she chose to do this and why was this important to the climax of the story. 

35.   (p. 294) Discuss the invasion of James Harris’s house.  Why was this significant?  Explain why Patricia and Mrs. Greene braved the risks.  Was it worth it in the end?

36.   (p. 282, 308,) Refer to Slick’s character and how she provided a counterbalance opposite of other book members, their opinions, and choice making.  How did you prioritize her within the story? Speculate on why Slick’s character was chosen to be violated and not Patricia’s.  (p. 281) Did you trust Slick with the information Patricia provided?

37.   (p. 338-9) Patricia discovered James Harris mutilating Korey.  She then went into a state of guilt, claiming it was all her fault.  What do you think about her self-criticism?  Why would she feel like the events that had happened up to that point was her fault?  Guilt, and betrayal, and nausea churned in her gut and she barely made it to the bathroom before she threw up.  What “betrayal” could she be experiencing?

38.   (p. 354) Do you believe Patricia had to give herself to James to conquer him?

39.   (p. 350) In her last days, Slick quotes Proverbs 25:26. Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain
 is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.
She explains afterwards that they “wanted to believe that Patricia was wrong because it meant we didn’t have to do anything hard.” How easy is this to identify with? 

40.   (p. 393) Slick and Patricia discuss Patricia’s encounter with James.  They discuss “sin”.   How did “sin” play a part of this story?

41.   (p. 395) Slick passes away while Kitty read to her In Cold Blood.  Why was this story significant?  Why would this book bring Slick comfort?

42.   (Prologue and p. 361) The author forewarns the reader in the Prologue of what the story entails, a story about a group of stereotypical southern housewives.  Discuss the stereotypes attached to housewives and why you might think the author featured this in the story.  Later, James Harris belittles Patricia and her role as a Southern housewife and how dumb she was. (p. 403) Patricia later concluded; “Think of us what you will, she thought, we made mistakes, and probably scarred our children for life, and we froze sandwiches, and forgot carpool, and got divorced.  But when the time came, we went the distance.”  Share your thoughts. 


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR An Elderly Lady Who Is Up to No Good By Helene Tursten (By Nicole Thomas)



An Elderly Lady Who Is Up to No Good

By Helene Tursten


How would you describe Maud? Does your description of her character vary from the original impression at the introduction when comparing your impression of her at the end of the story?  If you could sum up Maud in three words, what would the three words be?  If Maud’s mental condition owned a term, what would that medical mental term be?

9p. 85, 88, 90) Discuss the dangers of a person possessing manipulative qualities versus someone who regularly possesses unnatural emotions.  Next, discuss the dangers of the two together and examples of how you have seen the two demonstrated in your own life.  How do these two qualities create a perfect storm in Maud?

(p. 4) Talk about the building/apartment in which Maud lived in (the history, the size, the state of, description, etc.).

(p. 6-9, 19, 24, 26) Who was Jasmin Schummeroff? Why did Maud possess such a distaste for Jazmin? 

(pgs. 26-27) By the time Maud had found out about Jazmin’s lust for her apartment, her lying about the pastries, and the vulgar artwork Jazmin made, how would you describe the average reader’s opinion of Jazmin?

(p. 10, 50) Were you surprised by Maud’s tech-savvy nature?  Why would this appeal or not appeal to the reader?

(p.10) (p. 36) Analyze out loud about Jasmin’s “art sculpture”.  Do you think that Tursten, the author, had an objective in place for her reader?  (Distaste for men? Jasmin’s character to be unlikeable or unrelatable?)

(p. 11, 43-45, 49, 70, 131) Prior to Maud making plans to travel to Africa, she had traveled frequently over a forty-year span.  What do you suppose was her motive to travel?  Why wouldn’t this typical for single, elderly women?  Later in the story, Maud acknowledges the need for cash by deciding to sell her silver, however there is little explanation on how she was able to travel extensively previously. (p. 48) There was mention of keeping her sister’s sickness benefits into a separate bank account. She had made the comment about how candles were expensive (p. 73).  Discuss the possibilities and realities of her situation. 

(p. 16) Jasmin gave Maud an extra long hug to Maud before leaving.  Why was this hug unusual?  Do you believe there was an ulterior motive, or do you think it was Maud’s speculations that made the hug so unusual?

(p. 40) There was a scene of Maud reflecting of Jazmin’s murder.  Instead of feeling triumph, she describes herself experiencing “merely a calm serenity”. Explain why Maud would feel this way.



(p. 12, 33) What were the benefits of Maud not revealing all her working senses?  What were some of the other “props” she used to her advantage? Give examples of when she had used “aging” stereotypes.  Name off some stereotype’s seniors might commonly encounter.  What would you recommend specifically to upcoming generations in areas that they could improve upon (when it comes how to treat elders/seniors)?

(p. 45) After the death of her parents, Maud had been left to take care of her mentally ill sister.  Discuss her trials of this position she took on.  (Lietenant Gustaf Adelsioo, college, not being able to leave home, Charlotte’s agoraphopia)

(pgs. 54-70) Maud discovers that her long lost x-fiance is set to marry one of her old students, Zazza, a soft porn model.  Why do you suppose Maud was so bothered by Gustaff was marrying?  Why do you think she chose to vindicate Zazza rather than Gustaff, who had originally broken off the engagement (who was coerced by her parents)?  Where was she able to derive so much hatred?  What possibly could be the driving force? Why would the author include the point that Maud “never gave Zazza another thought”?

(p. 70) Soon after Maud had murdered Zazza, and while contemplating how long she might prolong her vacation, she commented; “Only time will tell.”  What do you suppose she meant by this thought in written in italics?

Maud refers to her upstairs neighbor’s fighting as; “The Problem” (pgs. 76, 85-89).  Why do you suppose one would take this situation and define it as THEIR problem to solve?  Why was Maud so resolute about “solving” the problem?

(p. 79) Do you believe Maud intentionally killed her sister?  Discuss potential motives had she intentionally killed her.  Discuss the domino effect an accidental death might incur.  Do you think things would have turned out differently for the other victims had her sister not died, or do you think Maud’s killing spree was inevitable?

Compare and contrast Maud’s victims (her sister, Jazmin, Zazza, neighbor man, Antique dealer). Discuss the premeditated factors, motives, and the emotional and personal gain.

(p. 88) On Christmas Eve Maud found herself in annoyance once again with The Problem.  She found herself clenching “her fists in impotent fury” while feeling intensely compelled that she must do something about it immediately though she had already made a decision she was eventually going to “take care of it”.  Can you recall any situations within the story where Maud demonstrates empathy or concern (other than for her own self) for others or things?  (p. 95 Christmas, p. 151 – her father’s shoes) Give other examples.  Other than the murders, give examples of Maud’s serious lack of principles and moral standards (p. 50 stealing the computer and walker).

(p. 99) Maud reports a dead body after following an intense smell to her father’s study.  During the immediate investigation, questions arose about Maud and her ability to commit the crime.  What thoughts came to your mind regarding Maud?  (p. 112-3) Maud was observed sobbing and was soaking up the compassion shown from the investigative team.  Talk about this charade and the build-up of distrust you felt for Maud.



(p. 99-115) At the beginning of the section, “The Antique Dealer’s Death”, Tursten introduces the reader to Richard (Fru) and Mary Bergh.  Why do you suppose Tursten chose to elaborate on Richard’s history?  Recall the significance of Richard’s role within the story.    

(p. 117) Discuss the conversation between Richard and his friend, the retired detective inspector, Nils Thoren.

(p. 138) Maud was overly critical of the Antique Dealer’s veneers and clothing.  What is your theory as to why she seemed to be so hypercritical of others?

There were several questionable innuendos woven within the story (p. 16 “hug”, p. 19 “Jazmin’s sex life”, p 129 “young women’s bodies”).  Discuss any examples you might have picked up on.  Do you the author intended for these events to be left obscure or were they examples of storyline that was lost in translation. 

Tursten’s books have been translated into 21 languages and have even been made into Swedish television shows.  How might interpretations vary in comparison to the original language in which it was written?

(p. 141) Maud decided to “make her move” on the Antique Dealer after experiencing fury, convinced that she was being swindled.  At what point did Maud convince herself that she must act?  Yet, was it even clear that he was stealing or was he merely examining items closely?

(p. 142-143) Maud came across to the reader as confidant when she described her conceived plan as being “watertight”.  Discuss the short time it took her to conjure this plan and the measures she took to follow out her cover-up plan.  Did you anticipate a flaw or discovery by the investigative team?

(p. 151-3) Maud frequently displayed lack of remorse after the killing of each of her victims, yet she acknowledged the dead body in her apartment as making things less than perfect.  What aspect of the dead body do you believe bothered her?

(p. 155) Maud donated her clothes (and evidence) to the Salvation Army, there was hint that this was something she has done before.  Theorize on why a person like Maud might donate clothes “to those in need”. Yet, there were some instances (p. 159 the grim smile she displayed after she called in the “discovery” of the body, p. 157 the watching of The Crows after the murder) where Maud came across as creepy.  Explain this minor contrast of creepiness with the hints of acknowledging people in need.  Where might Maud had drawn the line.  What was her social filter?

(p. 156-171) Maud exhibited master suppression techniques.  Even though the reader is enlightened early on, what were some more obvious signs that the other characters questioned, particularly Embla Nystrom (p. 159) and Irene Huss (p. 169). 

(p. 171) The last paragraph of the story holds the quote; “Congratulations, little Maud.  You got away with it.”  Embla, said this to herself in response to her boss’s comment about making the Antique Dealer case, a cold case.  Why did she say this to herself with an ironic smile?  Why do you think Embla was so confidant in her theory?

Our featured author is quoted as saying; “A glass devil is a person in whom evil becomes transparent. People simply don't see it, despite the fact that it's there all the time.”  What is your interpretation of what Tursten might be referring to?  How might this concept be applied to An Elderly Lady Who is Up to No Good?

Discussion Questions for Magnolia Inn by Anne-Marie Meyer (By Nicole Thomas)


Discussion Questions for

 Magnolia Inn

by Anne-Marie Meyer


1.       How did you like the book?

2.       Did the characters seem realistic?

3.       How did the author begin Maggie’s life story?  What was the beginning of Clementine’s life story? Compare the similarities and differences between the two. 

4.       Most of the characters in Magnolia Inn were enduring some sort of challenge or hardship.  What character did you identify with most?  Could you identify with any of the struggles they were having?

5.       (p.6) Maggie’s friend Brielle made the comment; “She owes you.” when referencing Maggie’s mom.   Discuss opinions on what parents “owe” their children and how her comment relates to this story.

6.       (p.7) Brielle encourages Maggie to pursue her dream.  Share dreams that each of you might have had, pursued, and/or conquered.  (p. 8) Brielle refers to Maggie’s dream as a do-over.  Discuss what would be considered a do-over.  Have you ever considered any of your life choices as a “do-over?  Why do you think Meyer, the author, initially wrote Maggie as someone who demands empathy from the reader?

7.       (p.19) Clementine described herself as a “pig-tailed terror” when she young.  How would you describe yourself as when you were younger?  Why would this description of Clementine as a child be significant to her character development?  Do you believe, how one sees themselves as a child, tends to be an accurate assessment or false perception?

8.       (p.24) Maggie’s relationship with her mom leads the reader to believe that it is strained.  (p. 124) Maggie often referred to her mother as; “Penny” What was your theory, early on, as to why she didn’t call her “mom”? Did you like Penny, Maggie’s mother?

9.       (p.30) Maggie Brown was handed the keys to the Magnolia Inn.  Did you have any foreshadowing at this point or preconceived assumptions in the story?

10.   The author chose to alternate between characters with each chapter.  We have experienced this reading format with club books in the past. How did you like this style with this book?

11.   (p.44) While speaking with the realtor, Tessa, Maggie experienced pressure of succeeding with the Inn from the entire town.  Do you think she was justified in fearing failure, particularly to the town?  On page 126, Maggie expresses that “every person around me seemed to think that I wasn’t enough.”  Why was Maggie’s complex an attribute to the storyline?

12.   (p. 51) Maggie had said her mom described her often as acting before she thought.  Can you relate to this tendency, especially at a point in early life?

13.   (p.15-16) Clementine describes her experiences with her dad’s diagnosed disease of Alzheimer’s.  (p.53-54, 75) What role did this rehabilitating disease play in the story with Clementine’s father.  Do you feel like you could relate with how Clementine dealt with his condition and circumstances?  Do you feel how the disease played a part was believable within the story?  Discuss the severity of influence it potentially can play within a family.  Discuss your own experiences with Alzheimer’s. 

14.   (p. 62, 93) Maggie and Clementine find they both have and love the Korean drama app.  Are you familiar with Korean dramas?  (p. 146) Did this seem too coincidental, and did this seemingly freakish coincidence add to the story?

15.   (p. 77-78, 86) The story gradually revealed Archer’s heartbreaking past.  At what point in the story did you anticipate Maggie winding up with this other broken character?

16.   (pgs. 79, 114) the character, Shari, was introduced into the story as Clementine’s friend with mysterious troubles.  Did you find it bothersome that these “troubles” were never discussed further?  Jake (p. 119), Shari’s brother was also reflected upon as Clementine’s past boyfriend.  Why do you suppose the author chose to include the characters of Shari and Jake?

17.   (p.112) Both Maggie and Clementine often described themselves feeling as though they did not do much for themselves.  Maggie says”, “This is the first thing I’ve done for myself in a long time.” And Clementine was in constant turmoil over the commitment she had for her dad (pgs. 53-54). 

18.   (p.4) Maggie led the reader to believe that she believed in fate. (pgs. 43, 86) “Fate” was referred to by Maggie often while in the context of her coming to terms with her bad luck.  (p. 214) Yet, “hope” was applied at the end of the story while Maggie looked then at her future.  (p.210) Clementine seemingly reached a revelation when conceding that Magnolia was her “home” and that she would never leave. While keeping these terms in mind, what would you say the theme of the story was? 

19.   (p.86) When Maggie arrived at Magnolia Inn, Maggie resolved that she was “determined to find its beauty no matter what”.  How would you compare the state of the Inn to Maggie throughout the story?  Did you make any ties between “Magnolia” and the character’s name, “Maggie”?

20.   (p. 97) Dorthy, Maggie’s grandmother, insisted on staying at Magnolia when her husband left to go help his mother (p. 194).  Yet, she left Magnolia Inn after her divorce to live in California, while insisting to not sell the Inn.  Did this strike you as contradicting, especially if the Inn had been so important to her? 

21.   (p. 194) Why do you think Penny chose to go with her father and not stay at Magnolia with her mom? Do you recall any indications on why Maggie chose her father over her mother?

22.   (pgs. 100-101, 209) The author emphasized that the Inn “changed lives” and was “magical”.  Name some examples of why the Magnolia Inn was described in such a way.

23.   Both Victoria (p.115) and Penny (p.41) were presented as antagonists.  Discuss what each of them lent to the story’s components.

24.   (p.118) Anna, Fiona’s mother, defined; “A book club is so much more than just a group of ladies reading the same book.  There is a sort of sisterhood that comes out of it.  A bond that can’t be replicated anywhere else.”  What was the purpose of the book club?  What are some similarities and differences between the Red Stiletto Book Club and The Page Turner Book Club?  Discuss some stereotypes associated with book clubs.

25.   (pgs. 116-119) Clementine was intent on passing out numerous invitations to the book club.  Can a book club be kept personal, as to how Anne had described it, (p. 141) with 10+ people in attendance?

26.   (p. 127) Maggie daydreams about being hugged by Archer.  She points out to the reader of the studies done on the “need for touch” and how “a person couldn’t survive if they weren’t touched on a regular basis”.  Most of us can fathom that “touching” has its benefits (reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and heart rates, induces oxytocin which lowers cortisol levels).  Discuss the importance of need for “touch”.

27.   How well did the author handle the development of the love story?

28.   (p. 129) Sean, Maggie’s ex-boyfriend, was described as an emotionally abusive partner.  Based upon the evolvement of Maggie’s character, how do you feel Maggie initially dealt with the break-up and later overcame what Sean told her; “she wasn’t meant to accomplish anything”. (p. 140) Maggie realizes that she “deserves” Archer.  Was there something that happened that triggered this realization?

29.   (p. 129) Maggie describes Magnolia’s people as “living in the moment”.  What aspects was she referring to?

30.   Clementine, Archer, and Maggie are often grabbing fast food (p. 177), Chinese food, pizza, Cokes, cookies, doughnuts, and gelato.  How realistic is that!?

31.   (pgs. 144-145, 163) Clementine’s father ends up missing after she had stepped away.  She recollects a memory of her dad prepping her of what is to come, insisting that she put him in a home when he becomes a burden.  (p. 167) The decision of moving him to a home is finalized.  Discuss the act of Clementine’s acceptance and how it led to Clementine’s “new normal” (p.190).

32.   What was the significance, if any, that the author chose for Maggie “to not drink”? (p. 175) Does this add to her character and what she contributes to the story?

33.   (p. 181) Clem conveys anxiety about attending the book club saying, “people not having the greatest opinion of her”.  This was not later clarified.  Any theories on to why this was stated?

34.   (p. 182, 189) Clem finally caught on that Maggie and Archer were an item.  Why did Maggie conceal the relationship from Clem, especially when the author was portraying the two of them as being close?

35.   (p. 199, 210) Both Maggie and Clementine reach a revelation about not ever wanting to leave Magnolia.  Is there a place you have felt this passionate about?