Thursday, October 21, 2021

Discussion Questions for Magnolia Inn by Anne-Marie Meyer (By Nicole Thomas)


Discussion Questions for

 Magnolia Inn

by Anne-Marie Meyer


1.       How did you like the book?

2.       Did the characters seem realistic?

3.       How did the author begin Maggie’s life story?  What was the beginning of Clementine’s life story? Compare the similarities and differences between the two. 

4.       Most of the characters in Magnolia Inn were enduring some sort of challenge or hardship.  What character did you identify with most?  Could you identify with any of the struggles they were having?

5.       (p.6) Maggie’s friend Brielle made the comment; “She owes you.” when referencing Maggie’s mom.   Discuss opinions on what parents “owe” their children and how her comment relates to this story.

6.       (p.7) Brielle encourages Maggie to pursue her dream.  Share dreams that each of you might have had, pursued, and/or conquered.  (p. 8) Brielle refers to Maggie’s dream as a do-over.  Discuss what would be considered a do-over.  Have you ever considered any of your life choices as a “do-over?  Why do you think Meyer, the author, initially wrote Maggie as someone who demands empathy from the reader?

7.       (p.19) Clementine described herself as a “pig-tailed terror” when she young.  How would you describe yourself as when you were younger?  Why would this description of Clementine as a child be significant to her character development?  Do you believe, how one sees themselves as a child, tends to be an accurate assessment or false perception?

8.       (p.24) Maggie’s relationship with her mom leads the reader to believe that it is strained.  (p. 124) Maggie often referred to her mother as; “Penny” What was your theory, early on, as to why she didn’t call her “mom”? Did you like Penny, Maggie’s mother?

9.       (p.30) Maggie Brown was handed the keys to the Magnolia Inn.  Did you have any foreshadowing at this point or preconceived assumptions in the story?

10.   The author chose to alternate between characters with each chapter.  We have experienced this reading format with club books in the past. How did you like this style with this book?

11.   (p.44) While speaking with the realtor, Tessa, Maggie experienced pressure of succeeding with the Inn from the entire town.  Do you think she was justified in fearing failure, particularly to the town?  On page 126, Maggie expresses that “every person around me seemed to think that I wasn’t enough.”  Why was Maggie’s complex an attribute to the storyline?

12.   (p. 51) Maggie had said her mom described her often as acting before she thought.  Can you relate to this tendency, especially at a point in early life?

13.   (p.15-16) Clementine describes her experiences with her dad’s diagnosed disease of Alzheimer’s.  (p.53-54, 75) What role did this rehabilitating disease play in the story with Clementine’s father.  Do you feel like you could relate with how Clementine dealt with his condition and circumstances?  Do you feel how the disease played a part was believable within the story?  Discuss the severity of influence it potentially can play within a family.  Discuss your own experiences with Alzheimer’s. 

14.   (p. 62, 93) Maggie and Clementine find they both have and love the Korean drama app.  Are you familiar with Korean dramas?  (p. 146) Did this seem too coincidental, and did this seemingly freakish coincidence add to the story?

15.   (p. 77-78, 86) The story gradually revealed Archer’s heartbreaking past.  At what point in the story did you anticipate Maggie winding up with this other broken character?

16.   (pgs. 79, 114) the character, Shari, was introduced into the story as Clementine’s friend with mysterious troubles.  Did you find it bothersome that these “troubles” were never discussed further?  Jake (p. 119), Shari’s brother was also reflected upon as Clementine’s past boyfriend.  Why do you suppose the author chose to include the characters of Shari and Jake?

17.   (p.112) Both Maggie and Clementine often described themselves feeling as though they did not do much for themselves.  Maggie says”, “This is the first thing I’ve done for myself in a long time.” And Clementine was in constant turmoil over the commitment she had for her dad (pgs. 53-54). 

18.   (p.4) Maggie led the reader to believe that she believed in fate. (pgs. 43, 86) “Fate” was referred to by Maggie often while in the context of her coming to terms with her bad luck.  (p. 214) Yet, “hope” was applied at the end of the story while Maggie looked then at her future.  (p.210) Clementine seemingly reached a revelation when conceding that Magnolia was her “home” and that she would never leave. While keeping these terms in mind, what would you say the theme of the story was? 

19.   (p.86) When Maggie arrived at Magnolia Inn, Maggie resolved that she was “determined to find its beauty no matter what”.  How would you compare the state of the Inn to Maggie throughout the story?  Did you make any ties between “Magnolia” and the character’s name, “Maggie”?

20.   (p. 97) Dorthy, Maggie’s grandmother, insisted on staying at Magnolia when her husband left to go help his mother (p. 194).  Yet, she left Magnolia Inn after her divorce to live in California, while insisting to not sell the Inn.  Did this strike you as contradicting, especially if the Inn had been so important to her? 

21.   (p. 194) Why do you think Penny chose to go with her father and not stay at Magnolia with her mom? Do you recall any indications on why Maggie chose her father over her mother?

22.   (pgs. 100-101, 209) The author emphasized that the Inn “changed lives” and was “magical”.  Name some examples of why the Magnolia Inn was described in such a way.

23.   Both Victoria (p.115) and Penny (p.41) were presented as antagonists.  Discuss what each of them lent to the story’s components.

24.   (p.118) Anna, Fiona’s mother, defined; “A book club is so much more than just a group of ladies reading the same book.  There is a sort of sisterhood that comes out of it.  A bond that can’t be replicated anywhere else.”  What was the purpose of the book club?  What are some similarities and differences between the Red Stiletto Book Club and The Page Turner Book Club?  Discuss some stereotypes associated with book clubs.

25.   (pgs. 116-119) Clementine was intent on passing out numerous invitations to the book club.  Can a book club be kept personal, as to how Anne had described it, (p. 141) with 10+ people in attendance?

26.   (p. 127) Maggie daydreams about being hugged by Archer.  She points out to the reader of the studies done on the “need for touch” and how “a person couldn’t survive if they weren’t touched on a regular basis”.  Most of us can fathom that “touching” has its benefits (reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and heart rates, induces oxytocin which lowers cortisol levels).  Discuss the importance of need for “touch”.

27.   How well did the author handle the development of the love story?

28.   (p. 129) Sean, Maggie’s ex-boyfriend, was described as an emotionally abusive partner.  Based upon the evolvement of Maggie’s character, how do you feel Maggie initially dealt with the break-up and later overcame what Sean told her; “she wasn’t meant to accomplish anything”. (p. 140) Maggie realizes that she “deserves” Archer.  Was there something that happened that triggered this realization?

29.   (p. 129) Maggie describes Magnolia’s people as “living in the moment”.  What aspects was she referring to?

30.   Clementine, Archer, and Maggie are often grabbing fast food (p. 177), Chinese food, pizza, Cokes, cookies, doughnuts, and gelato.  How realistic is that!?

31.   (pgs. 144-145, 163) Clementine’s father ends up missing after she had stepped away.  She recollects a memory of her dad prepping her of what is to come, insisting that she put him in a home when he becomes a burden.  (p. 167) The decision of moving him to a home is finalized.  Discuss the act of Clementine’s acceptance and how it led to Clementine’s “new normal” (p.190).

32.   What was the significance, if any, that the author chose for Maggie “to not drink”? (p. 175) Does this add to her character and what she contributes to the story?

33.   (p. 181) Clem conveys anxiety about attending the book club saying, “people not having the greatest opinion of her”.  This was not later clarified.  Any theories on to why this was stated?

34.   (p. 182, 189) Clem finally caught on that Maggie and Archer were an item.  Why did Maggie conceal the relationship from Clem, especially when the author was portraying the two of them as being close?

35.   (p. 199, 210) Both Maggie and Clementine reach a revelation about not ever wanting to leave Magnolia.  Is there a place you have felt this passionate about?


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